Dispute Resolution


Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Pursuant to and in compliance with the provisions of Law no. 144/2015, of 08.09, COLINA DOURADA - Investimentos Imobiliários e Turísticos, Lda., part of Carvoeiro Clube Group, provides the information that is necessary for the client to exercise his right of complaint to an official and impartial entity, to help resolve the dispute in question. Alternative dispute resolution is the mean that all consumers have at their disposal to appeal to official agencies to help them in the resolution of any conflict, before opening litigation in the courts.

As a rule, the procedure can be described as follows:

  1. The customer asks an impartial third party who acts as an intermediary between you and the supplier or service provider, who is the target of the complaint.
  2. The intermediary may suggest a solution to your complaint, impose a solution on both sides or bring the parties together to find a solution. Alternative dispute resolution can be translated into "mediation", "reconciliation" or "arbitration". Alternative dispute resolution is usually less expensive, less formal and faster than the judicial process.

So, in the event of a dispute, the customer consumer may opt for an alternative resolution of consumer disputes:


Arbitration Center of consumer - Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo do Algarve
Av. 5 de Outubro 55 R/C Dt.º
8000-075 Faro
Telefone: 289 823 135
e-mail: info@consumoalgarve.pt


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