The website COLINA DOURADA - Investimentos Imobiliários e Turísticos, Lda., part of the Carvoeiro Clube Group, uses the technology known in the industry as "cookies" to track visits to our website. The information collected in this way helps optimize website content, navigation, and performance.
"Cookies" are small software tags that are stored on your computer through the browser, retaining only information related to your preferences, not including your personal data.
If you do not want us to install cookies in your browser, you can set cookies to reject cookies. The rejection of cookies may affect your ability to use some of the services on our website.
Cookies help determine the usefulness, interest, and number of uses of your websites, enabling faster and more efficient browsing, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.
There are two groups of cookies that can be used:
These are cookies that are stored at the browser level on your access devices (PC, mobile and tablet) and are used whenever you visit one of our websites again. They are usually used to direct navigation to the user's interests, allowing us to provide a more personalized service.
These are temporary cookies that remain in your browser's cookie file until you leave the site. The information obtained by these cookies serves to analyse patterns of traffic on the web, allowing to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.
Cookies are strictly necessary. They allow you to browse the site and use their apps, as well as access and secure areas of the site. Without these cookies, the requested services cannot be provided.
They are used anonymously for the purpose of creating and analysing statistics to improve the operation of the site.
They maintain user preferences for site use, so you do not need to reconfigure the site every time you visit.
Measure app success and the effectiveness of third-party advertising. They can also be used to customize a widget with user data.
They customize advertising according to each user's interests to personalize advertising campaigns taking into account user likes, and limiting the number of times they see the ad, helping to measure advertising effectiveness and the success of advertising and site organization.
All browsers allow the user to accept, reject or delete cookies, especially by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser. You can set cookies in your browser's "Options" or "Preferences" menu.
Please note, however, that by disabling cookies, you may prevent some web services from functioning properly, affecting, in part or totally, navigation on the site.